This article is 6 years old


What ‘Y’all’ Can Achieve to Improve Gender Equity and Increase Inclusion

Illustration by Anya Chytrowski

As a grammar fanatic, I shy away from the use of slang in my colloquial vocabulary. However, a recent discussion brings to light the fact that the contraction “y’all” is actually beneficial for gender equity. Whenever we address a group as “you guys,” we are effectively misgendering any women or non-binary folks in the group. Although the issue may seem trivial, it contributes to the promotion of masculinity and oppression of other genders. Taking it upon yourself to make the switch from “you guys” to “y’all” will push us a little farther down the road to equality.

This discussion is widely regarded as an irrelevant one because the usage of “you guys” is incredibly common and basically normal outside of the South. In fact, I must acknowledge that it can seem a little silly. Many just aren’t offended by it, having been addressed as such and essentially having considered it to be acceptable for their whole lives.

The logical conclusion from there is that the administrators of this discussion are taking the issue too far. Nonetheless, you wouldn’t address a group of men as “you gals.” In fact, doing so implies that they are weak, thanks to stereotypes and damaging standards in society. Allowing all but men to be misgendered is a blatant endorsement of the patriarchy. Additionally, we must take into account how our words affect people around us. If someone is offended by something, and if they have the right to be, that thing needs to stop. Hence, we need a truly gender-neutral replacement, which is where “y’all” comes in. By definition, “y’all” is inclusive, so it’s a perfect alternative.

Unfortunately, it may be a difficult switch to make. After becoming aware of the issue, I immediately noticed that I say “you guys” all the time. I have to constantly correct myself, which can be annoying and make it feel like it’s not worth my time. Ultimately, though, it brought to my attention the real magnitude of the problem. If we don’t try to eliminate the misgendering combo, it will stick around forever, completely unnoticed by most. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, we must take on the challenge headstrong.

This simple replacement can help to stop misgendering everywhere. It will take work, and we’ll need to make a conscious effort, but, in the name of humanity, that’s an easy task. In the end, it’s something that everyone should be up for, especially in the name of equality. If y’all are searching for an easy way to promote gender equity and better yourselves, look no further.